The Underworld has many surprises in store for the Shardless around the planet, but occasionally it’s its arsenal of Elden Ring weapons that truly astounds us. Candlesticks, a massive pizza cutter, severed heads, and… a finger?

Elden Ring Top 5 Weirdest Weapons

All Elden Ring players are aware of how large and even enormous the Underworld is, as well as how many different characters can be discovered there and objects that can be found there. As a result, certain weapons developed by FromSoftware’s bright minds vanish into obscurity. Rest assured that this is not the case with those we will be discussing with you today. These weapons—if we can even call them that—are so peculiarly designed that they must leave a mark on you.


Ringed Finger

This weapon looks like a giant purple finger with multiple rings on it, as its name would imply. It is used as a club by the player to eliminate and vanquish all foes in his path. It is therefore possible for the Shardless to use this enormous finger to obliterate everything because it was discovered in the depths of the Underworld (Gelmir Hero’s Grave).

Bonus: This weapon has a flick for a special ability. You read that right; the enormous finger suddenly relaxes after bending (do you get the concept of a flick? ), sending all the adversaries nearby flying.


Envoy’s Greathorn

The Envoy’s Greathorn is particularly intriguing, both for the difficulty of collecting them (there are three of them) and for the novelty of their use. To take their weapon, which looks strikingly similar to a trumpet or other wind instrument, you must first fight a group of messengers.

Therefore, players who hold the Emissary’s Great Horn will learn of its great ability—to create enormous bubbles! a peculiar talent that certain enemies may find damaging. What, the bubbles in Elden Ring are also hazardous!


Ghiza’s Wheel

The Ghiza’s Wheel has an unsettling… and odd appearance! It resembles a massive medieval torture device, in other words, a weapon that promises some graphic scenes. Players can use his special ability to spin this enormous wheel, which transforms into a chainsaw from another era.

It is extremely powerful against foes (necessarily, given it cuts whatever it touches), yet because of its extremely heavy weight, it is nonetheless awkward to use. Therefore, this weapon is designed for all barbarism enthusiasts!



Any time a piece of furniture or other equipment normally found in a house is used as a weapon, the result is bound to be comical. When candlesticks are therefore used as a whip, or as a big hammer, the wtf effect is totally present.


Skull Candlestick

This big candlestick is wielded like a powerful two-handed sword, as the name would imply, and it actually works rather well. The candlestick may appear to be very ordinary, but players will soon realize that it has a head attached to the end of it.

But hold off till you hear the whole tale about that enigmatic head; it belonged to someone. It concerned a monk who, frustrated by his apathetic followers, resolved to amputate his own head and place it on the candlestick. This is how the weapon is described; don’t ask us why or how.

Magma Whip Candlestick

Unlike the other candlestick, this one doesn’t have a totally improbable story, but it looks like it does. This is therefore a candle holder, but it is actually a whip! The latter allows you to sweep enemies with waves of magma that go in all directions. The effect is quite effective and its special ability, allowing lava to appear all around the character, is very stylish.


Family Heads

You are not at all prepared for this one. The flail-shaped weapon used by the Family Heads has three weights that are actually replicas of heads (are there more heads?). These heads are not just any heads; they are the heads of the relatives of Garris the Necromancer, the person who invented the weapon.

To be even more explicit, these are perfect replicas of the faces of his wife and two deceased children rather than the actual heads of his family. We are unsure of what is stranger. In summary, both the weapon’s appearance and unique abilities are beyond horrifying. The latter enables you to summon the fury of your departed loved ones to battle adversaries. Therefore, they do not find serenity in the hereafter.