You are following Ranni’s quest, but you don’t know where to find the famous Fingerslayer Blade she is asking for? In this Elden Ring guide, you are shown the position of this item.

Elden Ring Fingerslayer Blade Location

By wanting to follow Ranni’s quest on Elden Ring, we will have to bring the Fingerslayer Blade back to the witch. To do this, you will have to go to Nokron, then to the Sanctuary of Night to find this famous item in an altar. Except that said like that, you may not know how to get there, so here is a guide that will allow you to go directly to this item.


How to get to Nokron?

You don’t know how to reach the Eternal City in Siofra? It’s not a problem, we will explain all the steps required to access this underground area.

The first step is to speak with Blaidd and then go face General Radahn in Caelid. When Radahn falls in battle, a meteorite will fall and cause an explosion in Necrolimbo. You will then have access to Nokron. Below, you can find the location of the hole produced by the meteorite.

By taking the site of grace next to the Kenneth Haight Fort, at the southeastern point, you will be able to see levitating rock and the crater formed by the meteorite. All you have to do is descend into the huge hole, while being careful not to fall, otherwise death will be guaranteed. Torrent will be of great help to you thanks to its double jumps.


How to reach the Sanctuary of Night?

In the upper part of Nokron, to the west, you can find the Ancestral Woods Grace Site. Right in front of the site, you will be able to see a city with tall buildings. By jumping from the cliff to the roof, you can begin your ascent to the digicide blade.

On the first rooftop, take the curb going to the right when you reach the second building. Keep walking on the ledge, then jump onto the platform below on your right. Go down again below and jump on the roof of the dome to jump again on the platform with the silver tears.

Then head southeast to cross the broken arch to the building in front of you. Go down, face the big ball as well as the assassins and leave the room to take the stairs. Once down the stairs, go to the left where all the silver tears are. At the end of the alley, you can find a room with a chest; the digicide blade will be in it.


What to do next ?

Now all you have to do is bring the Digicide blade back to Ranni atop his tower in Liurnia. She will thank you and give you the inverted statue of Marika. She also announces to you that it is time for her to undertake her own journey, before bidding you farewell.

Note: If you want to complete the Seluvis questline in its entirety, you must do so before handing in the Fingerslayer Blade. You will also need to use Celestial Dew afterwards, since it asks you to betray Ranni.